Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I'm really running out of blog names.

So I wake up in the morning ane blog on a wednesday? Not something I should get used to, so I must do this! (Looks below) Crap, well better get answering.

Primary Game Scene
This is the scene where most of the gameplay happens.

1. Describe this scene: What do you see? Mainly a truck with signs giving you facts about the economy of WV.

2. List of Assets for this scene: (Note: You may not need all these asset types.) I don't understand, but I'm assuming buttons and movie clips.

Background Country road
Character(s) Truck
Object(s) Signs
Animation(s) Moving truck
Sound(s) music
Button(s) the signs
Text none
3. Describe the action in this scene:

Actions the player must do in this scene: coninue to travel along the road.
Controls the player uses to complete each action in the scene: the arrow keys and mouse.
Description of Scoring or feedback system: you continue with th egame assuming you do not get hit by other vehicles
Description of all characters and what they do in the scene: truck, is playable character.various vehicles, serve as obsticles (did I spell that right?)
How to win the activity in this scene: Do not get hit by vehicles.
What happens when you win: you continue to level 2
How to lose the activity in this scene: You get hit by a vehicle
What happens when you lose: you have to restart the level.
How the player navigates from this scene to other scenes: beet this level and you continue to level 2 of 5
How the player can quit the scene or game: Click the I give up button after losing.
So all in all our primary game scene is a mouthful.


Revolver Oshawott.jpg

Friday, May 11, 2012


Well, being a student inwestVirginia I am subjected to take the WESTEST, and our teacher has asked us to blog about how we think we'll do. Truthfully, I think I'll do amazing as I am an outstanding student. In previousyears I usuallly get the highest possible ranking across the board. So I do not think this year will be any different. My teachers have prepped me as well as they can, now it's my turn to show my stuff. This has been ZeroHeroes23 PEACE!


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Friday, April 13, 2012

If the final presentations were today.....

Hey there I've been told to blog aboutwhat my title is so................................................................................................................................................................ LET'S GET MOVING!

To be honest if the final presentations were today, we would fare pretty well. Our presentation skills are pretty good our game has enough in it to provide and enjoyale experience for all who play!

Let the references roll!

Friday, March 30, 2012

I resemble humor. You want to do something close to a laugh.

So my teacher has requested to blog about what we plan to do over Spring Break. Well I have been informed that I am leaving the state, and then I'll be babysitting. I'll probably also lose my sanity and fall a lot, but thays beside the point.

I am going to North Carolina! Maybe. The family is mostly there so fun times will ensue. Unless THEY come. "They" are my dementedly evil cousins so they are very mean or rude to me, moving on.

If they are there I will have to babysit them. Hope I live will you? They are not fun times to be around.

So in general ths spring break should be pretty normal. This has been ZeroHeroes23/AbsoluteZeroBlade/AbsoluteZeroKing signing off.


Friday, March 23, 2012

How I perceive my game presentations to go as of now.

Absolutely horribly, at the moment we have like 4 seperate files that make up our game, and none of those are complete. The overall feel and progess of our game is good though, so we hope that it will be finished by presentations. Well, since that is out of the way, let the references roll!

References: Like A Boss


Friday, March 16, 2012

Incorporating Flash: Odd name doncha think?

Alright, we've been told to blog about how we've incorportated our ideas for a game into flash. Well in actuality
But I've been told to assume that we've had no problems and that we should talk about what we used.
We used codes.
I've also been told to continue from that more, well essentially, we've just gotten the images in our head and have placed them into flash, the general coding was just a lot of frustration and something compliated that you don't wanna look at so I just say..........


Friday, March 9, 2012

My partner, and progress.

Alright, so we have to write today on how we work with our partner, and just how our progress is.

So for my Partner, recently things have gone better as we restarted. Before we had a near literal train wreck, now we have a boat with a small hole, something that isn't completely lost, but not in best shape.

And as for Progress, we have seperate files containing The title, level 1, bonus screen, help screens and probably more that I can't remember.

So, yeah mates, cheers *drinks lemonade*.

My Roflcopter goes swa.gif