Friday, September 16, 2011

I'm back with a VENGEANCE! For The third tim!

Friday is blog day so calander says that today is blogday. So this weeks topic is < ctrl v>
Write a Blog post to reflect on which of these genre(s) are you most interested in using for your own game idea.
What did you learn from your choice of games and genres to review?
Name any game features that stood out to you, either because they were interesting or because they could be improved.
Write down any questions you have about the game or genre you chose. You might answer them yourself later!
So, as I reread this topic I shall type randomly then explain in detail so fjhfighfggfjghhgjgjhfhfgnnghgkchgghgjdhgfjfthfjfbfghbfhghgbghvbhgbfhvbfhvbfghgbhggggggggggg.

Well I learned that action/adventure games are usually my favorite, and puzzle games are usually neutral on the list with strategy being the worst in my opinion.
The including of a collection system and a weapon class is a very cool idea the weapon system though is a bit buggy actually the enemies for the weapons were buggiest due to movement pattern.

Only question is: Can I play more?


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