Friday, October 1, 2010

Whatever you want this to be titled

Friday, so those that actually read this blog should know this is blog day so let's get to the topic. How has this assignment (Paper prototyping) helped you think more clearly about your game idea? Has it caused you to modify your ideas or approach? Why or why not?  In order, let's rock this thing.
Paper prototyping has allowed me to get the basic outline of our game and made us actually think on whats up and what's down in our game. We have what our character  looks like, what the enemies look like, we even have a rough design of the final boss.
It changed our entire gameplay scheme. Before your character was controlled like how you would imagine a Mario game but now your character stands still with a grenade cannon (which we dub the Bill Nye Bomber) and shoots at robots who have flash drives on  their deactivated bodies. All in all it will hopefully be a good game.


stories I've written

1 comment:

  1. Great blog.Maybe next time don't add the questions.Just explain the question in the answer.I don't get how the video relates to you blog.Keep up the good work!!!!
