What do you do in a presentation in globaloria? You must not read directly off the screen, use it a a general guideline, nothing more. Also don't face the screen face the audience, and keep eye contact with someone at all times. Well those are somethings and that is how you get a good grade, on paper atleast but in actuallity it's very difficult. The most important thing is to not read off of the screen, they can read it, you don't have to. Something else to do is you must speak like you were not raised in the boonies,so there can be none of the following "words": aint, got sum, I'm going to learn you sumthin'. but you must also remember to form a complete sentence withbyour words, so no, Yeah, here it is.
I'm out of things to say but there is just one thing else.
So I have to talk about my game whicskeleton, joyous is it not? (sarcasm intended but not recieved through text) Anyways I have to talk about three things that I have dine and 1 thing I need to do so let us be rolling(hopefully with stones)
I have my skeleton nearly complete I have all of my *slideshow-ish* scenes done along with everything else drawn, the onlyproblem seems to be the movement code problems I have been having. Which is essentially that my game refuses to allow the movement with the arrow keys with the character. so, that is a setback but it gives me a goal to work for so HUZZAH!
So today I have to talk about what and what not to do in a presentation, (how this relates to Globaloria I'll never know). So during the video we watched today (British Kids? Reallly?) we learned several things to do in a presentation for anything. Apparenty one thing you should do is use facial expressions to hint at emotions (while apparently speaking with no entusiasm whatsoever)(Looking at this I should stop with the parenthesis but I don't really care)()()()()()() and another is to (when reading of a paper) keep it in your hand and NOT (Underline that with your mind, and give it a hat while doing so) in front of your face and something else is to not go (and I quote) uhhh, like, (and or) whatever. So that is all I will talk about. (So long and yes I did put this in parthesis I rule!)
Was it hard to make your mini game? What was the best part of this topic? The worst part?
Was It hard? yes It was It gave me nightmares of carrots and bunnies and wolves. IT SCARED ME! The best part? Probably getting rid of it. The worst part? All of it. Well, BYE!
The Big Idea: Describe your team's game topic. What is the most important concept you want your players to learn? Our games topic is occupations in WV, the occupations of WV duh!
Making Decisions as a Team: How did your individual ideas from "Imagining Your Game" come together for your team game topic? How did your team decide the topic? We just decided to do trucking as a topic that turned ou we need to turn that into jobs in general.
Roles & Responsibilities: Tell us more about your team process. Please each talk about your specific roles, and how you work together. Well, I'm primary programmer, and artist. She's secondary programmer.
Research: What kind of research went into the way you will express the game topic? Internet resaearch and just asking our families.
The User Experience: Explain the game play. What actions does the player take in the game? Has this changed since you first started planning your game? Why? You mainly drive the truck across the (Map) and no, it hasn't changed.
Mastering Flash: What Flash resources have been most helpful in your learning so far, and why? How did you locate these resources? Mainly Keboard control, alongwith buttons
Overcoming Challenges: What curriculum topic has been most difficult for you so far? How did you overcome this difficulty? I don't understand te question.
And that's all references roll!
TO quiz or not to quiz that is the question, Shakespear aside our topic is how do you plan to make your gme a non-quiz game.
Truthbetold I don't know, our game haas quite a lot of interactivity but lacks, that extra "UMPH" that will cause us to not ask questions, we have the questions asked in a fun way and have you learn along the way, we have all the elements of games that are played now, we have bits of racing and side-scrolling, maybe we'll even get a bit of strategy in there, but all in all, nothing is set in stone.
Z-Hero: That turned out good, wouldn't you agree Luis?
Luis: Why am I here, I need to be back in Cambridge!
Alright so It's blog day so I shall now tell you ideas we have for our game. One of the bigger ideas we have is that our game takes place in three books one for each of our topics that are under wraps so shhhhhhhhh!
It's a secret. Other than the actual topics there really is nothing set in stone so not really much for the game. So let's end this right. X-Master (my friend from britain) come ere'
X-Master: What?
Z-Hero: What's the scouter say about this blogs power level?
X-Master: It's over 9000!
Z-Hero: Doesn't work as well in a blog.
X-Master: You're rght but let the references roll!
\blogPod this is the BlogPod.... excuse me (clears throat) so this is about how globaloria is going thus far.
There really is not much to say. We have yet to actually have a firm foothold into this year, the actual concept of globaloria has stayed the same and will throughout the ages .
Do to the utter failure I had last year, (I still have nightmares) I have decided that this year I will do much better. So onward to our Globalorian Adventure!
WHO are you designing your game for? (Include the player's age, abilities, and prior knowledge of your topic.)
WHAT will your game teach the player about your topic? (Be specific!)
WHERE does your game happen?
Describe the world you will design for your game.
How will this setting add to the learning experience?
HOW does your game world teach the player about your topic?
What happens in the world that helps the player learn?
How does the player use what they learned to make something happen in the game?
WHY is a game a better way of understanding your topic than a quiz?
Who? I imagine that 10-15 years of age and any amount of prior knowledge of the subject.
What? I believe that our game will revolve around three points in history, Caesar's rule of Rome, \WWI and the Titanic.
Where? The actual 'story' of our gametakes place in A library based around 3 books.
How? People will in game talk about whats happening.
Why? Probably the interaction you can get with a game.
Friday is blog day so calander says that today is blogday. So this weeks topic is < ctrl v> Write a Blog post to reflect on which of these genre(s) are you most interested in using for your own game idea.
What did you learn from your choice of games and genres to review?
Name any game features that stood out to you, either because they were interesting or because they could be improved.
Write down any questions you have about the game or genre you chose. You might answer them yourself later!
So, as I reread this topic I shall type randomly then explain in detail so fjhfighfggfjghhgjgjhfhfgnnghgkchgghgjdhgfjfthfjfbfghbfhghgbghvbhgbfhvbfhvbfghgbhggggggggggg.
Well I learned that action/adventure games are usually my favorite, and puzzle games are usually neutral on the list with strategy being the worst in my opinion.
The including of a collection system and a weapon class is a very cool idea the weapon system though is a bit buggy actually the enemies for the weapons were buggiest due to movement pattern.
Welcome back fellow bloggers and blog readers! I am back for another year and this is blog number one of such fact. The prompt is what is it ike coming back for another year? So far, odd, but it's too early to tell. So I'm hopingfor a super special awesome year! Yeah, sarcasm evident, but I like Globaloria but it can't really be amazing, so this blog is probablly irrelevent by the time it's completed. So indeed so let the sushi---I mean Refereneces roll!
This may very well be the final globaloria blog. Atleast for this year so I guess I'll talk about next year then. So we get another year in globaloria and I plan to make the most of it. Since I had been gone so long I didn't really get to finish/ create my game so in high hopes I shall complete it!
I am not entirely sure what this blog is about but........ LET'S DO THIS THING!!!!!! The people at Globaloria something or another said that we had a good deal to work on, we needed to explain what scientific notation is, as well as have actual game play, I had to redo my game the day before presentations, so i didn't expect it to be great, but it worked well enough. I do expect to get all of this done before the year is out,unfortunately I do not expect much help from my partner. All in All, this will be a hectic rest of the year.
I'm back after months and months of being gone,and now my topic is: How close are you to finishing your game. Well, we are nearly finished with our game, even after my three months away my partner and I kept on working, I just hve some stuff I have to finish so that my partner can put the finishing touches on the thing. Weve come along way, and have had so many mistakes and idea changes that we couldv'e made seven entirely different games. There is nothing else to type because we are keeping our game under wraps untilpresentation day, so so long and farewell. So anyway how 'bout them Lakers? 'Course I knnow nothing about them Lakers, or even know who them Lakers are.
Recently our demo was presented and it was a headache to get finished. I was gone when we had presented but my partner said that it went really well. Our basic concept had worked fine but our art was terrible because I had only gotten little bits and pieces of the artwork done before I left. We had always worked hard on the presentation and the demo itself. All had went well and we got some very nice comments about it. If there is one thing we have to work on it would probably be polish. Our game is good but it needs to be better overall. This is a big step on the preverbial ladder and it's done so all that's left is the game itself. Although this is incredibly nerve racking and barely tolerable, I can't wait to get going again. So long. http://www.myglife.org/usa/wv/srmswiki/index.php/Main_Page
I'm back. It's been a while since I blogged so this is definatley a weird feeling but let's go with it. Topic :
What is the most difficult concept to teach for your topic? How are you finding tutorials and thinking about design to teach others this concept?
Truth betoldI have no clue what this means so I'll go on what I think it means so (That is what is the hardest part of our game topic to teach) My topic for my game is scientific notation. Truth betold probably the hardest part of scientific notation is learning how to read it so our first thought was 'How do we show them how to read it?' So we actually have our first few levels with questions on how to set up scientific notaition and how to read it so, yeah. That was my topic and I've done it so I'm done. Let the references roll!